Since 1997


Product Choices

View the catalog PDF to see color choices and more:   Product Catalog

Frame Style 709

Frame Size
Dome or UV Pane(s)

4x4 Square:

4x6 Rectangle:

5x5 Square:

5x7 Rectangle:

6x6 Square:

7x9 Rectangle:

8x8 Square:

8x10 Rectangle:

10x10 Square:

12x12 Square:

11x14 Rectangle:

14x14 Square:

12x16 Rectangle:

14x17 Rectangle:

16x16 Square:

16x20 Rectangle:

12x36 Rectangle:

Frame Color:

Frame Distressing:

Mat Color:

Oval mat cuts 3x4.5 and above:

Oval mat cuts smaller than 3x4.5: