Tag Archives: flower preservation

Clean Air Houseplants

Did you know that some plants are especially good at keeping the air in your home clean and safe? Here are just a few, but feel free to research more!

The Spider Plant

The Spider Plant

Helps rid your home of benzene, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, and xylene!

The Gerber Daisy

The Gerber Daisy

Not just a pretty face. Gerber daisies also clean your air by removing trichloroethylene and benzene!

The Peace Lily

The Peace Lily

Peace lilies fight formaldehyde, benzene, trichloroethylene, toluene, and xylene. People will often put them in their bathroom or laundry room to fight the effects of mold.


It’s been a busy couple of months for Cheryl Williams!  Busy but happy!  Cheryl recently had TWO daughters get married.  Some of you mothers know what that’s like. 😉  We’re grateful we had the opportunity to help preserve two beautiful memories!

“Suspended in Time did a wonderful job preserving the bridal bouquets for both my daughters.  They love the finished project and it is a great keepsake from their wedding day.”

-Cheryl Williams

Cheryl Williams

Cheryl Williams 2

Wedding Proposal Testimonial

Burke Dyson brought in the flowers he used to propose to his fiancee. The roses had the phrase “Cacey, Will you marry me?” stamped on the outside of each rose petal. How sweet it that! This is what Burke had to say about the finished product:

“I thought the flower arrangement was beautiful and everything I hoped for! I know my fiancee will love them. Thank you!”

"Cacey, Will you marry me?"

“Cacey, Will you marry me?”

Unique Wedding Bouquets

Adding yellow Billy Balls to your bouquet makes it look fun and artistic.

Adding yellow Billy Balls to your bouquet makes it look fun and artistic


Peacock feathers are becoming really popular this year. They add a beautiful vintage look to your bouquet.



Who would have thought that using ornamental cabbage in a wedding bouquet would look so beautiful?

Love your bouquet so much that you never want to throw it away? Bring it in to Suspended In Time(R) and have it preserved and put into a beautiful encasement so you can have it forever!


Shawnie Watson received her wedding bouquet encasement from us last week and this is what she said about it:

“Even though my flowers had froze and were very ruined, you were able to save the good ones and replace the bad ones to still give me a beautiful bouquet! Thanks!” -Shawnie

Shawnie Watson


Shawnie Watson 3


Michelle Davis’ Encasement

Michelle came to Suspended In Time(R) to have  her wedding bouquet preserved and this is what she said, “Amazing attention to detail!  Very professional in both the preservation of the flowers and the process of following up with us.  They made sure it was exactly as we wanted it.  I highly recommend their work.”

Michelle's Dried Wedding Flowers

Michelle’s Dried Wedding Flowers

Saving and Preserving Winter Flowers


Even though it is winter time, you can still save those special flowers from your winter wedding, funeral, or from that special someone. Suspended In Time “preserves” flowers instead of freeze drying or regular drying.

“I can’t believe the color preservation! They look like the day of the wedding. Thanks!”


The flowers you bring in will look just as great as the ones you purchased. Come in today to see for yourself.