
Flower Care Before Preservation

bouquet of flowers in vase of water

Keep your flowers fresh until you deliver them or ship them to your nearest Suspended In Time® location.

  • For best results deliver or ship your bouquet as soon as possible after your event.
  • If your flowers have visible stems, trim about 1 inch off the ends and place them in a vase of cool water.
  • For flowers in a bouquet holder, place the bouquet over a sink and pour a small amount of cool water into the holder’s center.
  • Refrigerate or store in a cool place and well hydrated until you are ready to deliver or ship them to us.
  • You may want to include any other memorabilia, like invitations, pictures or anything other memorabilia you would like to use, to personalize your special moment.

A tip on how to keep your flowers fresh:
To help flowers last up to 3 weeks... Add 2 drops of an acid, such as vinegar or lemon juice, about 2 drops of Clorox, and 1 tablespoon of sugar. It also helps to trim the stems occasionally with a diagonal cut. Keep them in a cool place.

stems of bouquet wrapped in ribbon being cut diagonally with scissors

Has your event already occurred?

If your event has already occurred, it may not be too late to mail or mail your flowers to be preserved.

  • Some browning on the edges is no problem.
  • If in doubt, call us and we will be happy to help you assess their condition before you send them. Call us toll-free at 866-756-0059.
  • For flowers too damaged to preserve, we offer replacement flowers. All we need is a picture of the bouquet to recreate the beauty of the original. Call us for more details.
fresh lilies in vase of water